here's a visual tour of my room. like i said in my about me blurb, i collect flamingos (hence the name of the blog), so my room is very pink and very flamingo-ey. but i love it :)
a flamingo yard ornament from Lowe's that i turned into a jewelry rack |
this shelf is a bit of a shrine to my childhood... close up below |
(l-r) stuffed peeps bunny, little nesting doll inside a girl scouts bracelet, a wooden figurine of an angel holding a candle given to me by my godmother, wooden santa carving that a guy traded with me for a print of one of my drawings at an art show, a photo of me and my cousin, a little glass candy figurine, a flamingo salt shaker that used to belong to my grandma, and a photo of my mom, my brother and I. |
(l-r) half in the picture is a photo album of my baby pictures, a green candle, a photo of my parents when they were young, jesus, joseph and mary figurine, an origami star one of my friends made me, a china egg holder my aunt gave me, a drawing i did of my favorite childhood picture, and an angel figurine my mom made out of a little flower pot. |
my bookshelf |
lanterns and feathers and my grandmother's ballet shoes |
photos of my friends and family and an origami chain my friend made me |
part of my collage wall (as are the next 3 photos), all drawings by me and photos from magazines, probably mainly teen vogue and seventeen and nylon. |
close-up of my quote mural |
a valentine my little sister made for me that i love :) |
the bulletin board i put all my cards on because they take up too much space but they're too pretty to give away |
<3 |
alright, so that's the basic gist of my room! hope you like it. :)
your room is so cool! I love the collages!xx