Tuesday, July 16, 2013

i'm the leibster queen y'all

just kidding. but i have been nominated yet again for a leibster award by none other than the lovely Chloe of Rhinestone Moon (click here to check out her rad blog!)!! thanks for the nom, my dear!! :)

here are my 11 things:
1) i joined marching band this year - today was the first day of camp.
2) i play flute and piccolo.
3) i'm addicted to green popsicles.
4) i was in the new york times sunday!!! (that's me on the left, in the bluish top, with a red ponytail)
5) i sleep with a stuffed animal called Bunny, who has the head and arms of a rabbit but whose body is a blanket. i've had her since i was born. she's so worn out that she went from the bright pink she was when we got her to a worn out grayish-whitish-pink color and her glass eyes are cracked from going through the wash (i joke that she has cataracts)
6) i just re-read the mortal instruments series by cassandra clare and i'm SUPER excited for the movie.
7) i'm one of those people who can read a book and see the movie later and still appreciate the movie, though i know in most cases the book is still waaay better.
8) i'm not a morning person. at all. my brain doesn't function fully until past 10 am.
9) my dog daisy is afraid of thunder so we had to get her this special jacket called a thundershirt that keeps constant pressure on her body so she feels secure and doesn't freak out as much.
10) i have an irrational phobia of having adhesive stuff on my skin. it makes me want to puke.
11) we've been getting a TON of rain lately and we just discovered that there's a leak in our basement, which is where my room is, and now we have mold in our walls, which i am highly allergic to. so i've been walking around looking like i've got two black eyes and a really bad cold for the past few weeks and i've wound up having to sleep upstairs on the couch so i don't get any sicker. yay me.

and here are my answers to Chloe's 11 questions:
1.) Who was your first music obsession?
okay please don't laugh, i didn't develop a good taste in music until like 3 years ago, but it was hannah montana/miley cyrus. i adored her with a passion. i owned my own hannah montana wig, had all her albums, never missed an episode on premier night - it was bad. my first REAL musical obsession was florence and the machine, and it still hasn't faded :)
2.) Are you religious?
yes, but not in a cram-it-down-your-throat, if-you-don't-believe-what-i-do-you'll-burn-in-the-fiery-depths-of-hell type way. i was raised and confirmed catholic and i really enjoy my religion and my church.
3.) How far have you traveled?
the farthest i've gone out of the US was to the UK, on a girl scouts trip (centenary camp 2010, yo!)
4.) What is your favorite school subject?
art! and i love english/language arts as well.
5.) Who is your favorite designer?
oh jesus don't torture me with this question i don't know... i admire alexander mcqueen insanely and coco chanel is one of my heros, and i adore meadham kirchoff.
6.) What's your favorite book?
again with the hard questions! i don't have one. honestly i read so much i can't even begin to choose. i'm a HUGE harry potter fan, and i love the mortal instruments and anything by john green. see my books/music tab for a full list x)
7.) Do you have any pets?
yup! a dog named daisy and a bunny named mocha.
8.) What is the one outfit you can't live without out?
my canopy studio tank top (it has the logo of my trapeze studio on it and its so freakin comfy i can't go a week without wearing it at least twice) and some high-waisted denim cutoffs with a cute belt and my lace-up boots.
9.) What historical character living or dead would you hang out with?
jk rowling, john green, jane austen, agatha christie. i can't choose but it'd probably be one of them.
10.) What was your most embarrassing moment?
ha. haha. um... i don't have one particular moment, but i do remember one time i was at girl scouts camp and i saw a really pretty, lonely looking girl and i went up to her and told her i thought she was really pretty, because i did, and my friends were laughing at me for going up to a total stranger cuz im weird like that and i guess she thought i was making fun of her so she gave me this hurt look and said "thanks" all quiet. and i didn't realize til i walked away that she had misinterpreted my compliment. i almost cried, i felt so bad. luckily i found her at the end of camp and told her that i truly did think she was beautiful and apologized and we made up. but yeah. embarrassing.
11.) What were you for Halloween last year?
a flamingo!!!

i'm not gonna specifically nominate any peeps cuz i'm lazy and i already did it in my last leibster post but i'm openly nominating alll of my wonderful readers who want to accept the award! so if you'd like to, answer these questions:

1) What was your favorite book as a child?
2) What's the biggest/longest fight you've ever had with a friend or boy/girlfriend?
3) What's your favorite holiday, and why?
4) What would you consider your spirit animal (animal you most identify with)?
5) Favorite artist/designer/musician?
6) What hobbies do you do?
7) Do you play an instrument or sing?
8) What celebrity would you most like to meet?
9) Do you have siblings? How many? Older or younger?
10) Describe yourself in 10 words.
11) What got you started blogging?

don't forget to gimme a link if you decide to accept ;) love you!! yes you!!!


  1. "i'm one of those people who can read a book and see the movie later and still appreciate the movie, though i know in most cases the book is still waaay better"
    Ella x

  2. Okay that is seriously an awesome Halloween costume. :)

  3. Congratulations on your blog award; :)

  4. I love your Halloween costume! I'm not nominated myself, I just love answering questions so I answered them all below...

    1) What was your favorite book as a child?

    The Ingo Series by Helen Dunmore. I was so obsessed I used to think that if I threw myself head first into the sea, and didn't breathe, I would be able to enter 'Ingo' and become a mer lady. (Obviously, it was not the best idea. Thank god I explained the plan to my mum beforehand).

    2) What's the biggest/longest fight you've ever had with a friend or boy/girlfriend?

    I'm not a very tough person (though I'd like to be) so all my arguments with friends seem to last a couple of days at most. But I do have ferocious fights with my parents, often enough...

    3) What's your favorite holiday, and why?

    A couple of years ago I went travelling on trains across Europe, to nine different countries in 22 days. It was amazing - I met so many cool people and did so much cool stuff! (Including eating a HORSE BURGER no less in Slovenia!)

    4) What would you consider your spirit animal (animal you most identify with)?

    My favourite animal is a fox, but I'm sly or sultry enough to have it as my spirit animal. Maybe one of these! Happiest animal ever: http://www.ryot.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/image5.jpg

    5) Favorite artist/designer/musician?

    I love Miranda July as an artist, and also the pop art movement, so people like Andy Warhol and Lichtenstein. But I also love Degas. My favourite designer is JW Anderson. But I once did all this research on Coco Chanel for a book I was writing, and her past is incredibly inspiring. And my favourite musician - well my favourite band has to be Mumford & Sons, or The Smiths.

    6) What hobbies do you do?

    I write fiction, though I don't really count that as a hobby (it's more like my life). I figure skate, keep journals, collect cool clothes and take street style photographs too.

    7) Do you play an instrument or sing?

    Sadly not - I used to play violin but I got fed up with the squeaky sound (I wasn't the best at it). I still pick it up every now and then to play a song or two, but that's it. I LOVE going to live music concerts though, and a friend of mine is a super talented singer, and she gets me free tickets to stuff, which is great!

    8) What celebrity would you most like to meet?

    Eddie Redmayne. I love Ellen Page, Cary Mulligan and Drew Barrymore as well, but Eddie Redmayne ALL THE WAY. And, if Tavi Gevinson counts as a celebrity, I'd love to meet her.

    9) Do you have siblings? How many? Older or younger?

    Two younger sisters.

    10) Describe yourself in 10 words.

    Stubborn, creative, ambitious, disorganised, spontaneous, competitive, thoughtful, a bit lazy.

    11) What got you started blogging?

    I started Inky Magazine (http://inkymagazine.blogspot.co.uk/) because I wanted a place where young, aspiring writers could read and submit work. My personal blog I literally started the other day, just as a place to link to everywhere I've been published. I'm really bad at posting on it, but hopefully I'll get better!


thanks for commenting, you wonderful person! i read every comment, and i can guarantee you just made me smile.