i dyed my hair red last night (amy pond red not crayola red). i'm a hair dye virgin so i used demi-permanent just in case i don't like it. it took awhile for my hair to dry after we washed out the dye, and at first i was getting pretty mad because it didn't look red at all, just like some half-assed brown with auburn highlights. but as it dried it got redder so it was okay. and now it looks pretty good. perhaps not as red as i'd like it, but red enough. i'll go back an insert a photo later once ive showered and don't look like miss frizzle on crack anymore.
i don't know if it was the fumes from the dye or the mocha i had earlier yesterday afternoon, but last night i could not fall asleep for the life of me. and i'm not usually the insomniac type. i'm the kind of person who's usually asleep as soon as i hit the pillow. but for some reason i couldn't make my mind quit running around in circles like a toddler high on fun-dip. i did get one thing out of my sleeplessness though, and that was the idea to start doing tutorials. and that led me to think about my thing that i do for girl scouts (yes i'm a girl scout, a senior, and proud of it) called lizzy's tees. it's this workshop ive been doing for a year or so where i teach girls how to re-design t-shirts using a few different projects and tutorials i've come up with over the years. i've been told over and over again that i should have a lizzy's tees website, but i've been way to lazy until now. so that's what i've been doing this morning. making a lizzy's tees blog. if you're interested in my tutorials or girl scouting or whatever, check it out. i also do a lot of other crafty stuff, like make pillowcase dresses and purses and skirts out of neckties and cute blouses out of men's button downs and detachable collars and stuff like that. i don't sell my stuff usually because i don't have time to make enough stock for an etsy shop, but i want to start doing craft fairs for fun this summer. but anyway i figured i could spread the love to my fellow crafters by doing some tutorials on here. so that's what i'm gonna *try* to start doing.
another thing that's been running around in my head lately is school. what with all my *medical drama* i have gotten REALLY REALLY behind. and where i live, we get out of school in mid-may. so i mean it when i say i literally have 2 1/2 weeks to finish 5 weeks worth of make-up work, plus what we're doing in class now. so, as you can imagine, i am reallyfuckingSTRESSED. my stress journal has been helping, but i'm just now coming to the realization that I HAVE A SHIT-TON OF WORK TO DO and it's making me want to dig a hole and bury myself with my harry potter books and a carton of extreme moose tracks ice cream. i'm getting home tutoring though, and they wrote up a thingy that gives me the ability to keep doing work after the school year ends and still get credit or something in case i don't finish. and my math teacher is exempting me from all the tests i missed. but i still have to take finals. which are in a week. so now i'm going to go do what any diligent and over-achieving student would do and open my textbook and stare at it for an hour before giving up and watching a law and order svu marathon. adios.
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